Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Little Seed Boost!

Hi there, apple pals! As you know, the currency in Amazing Applez is currently called, "Seeds". Yes, we know, we have the same currency as Club Carrot. But it's all part of Food Friends. Anyways, have you heard of a speed boost? Well I have decided to give everybody a seed boost! "What do you mean by that?", you may ask. I have decided to give every apple 50 seeds. Basically when you join  Amazing Applez, you are given 50 seeds. You can use them as you wish, spend it all, or save up. By the way, remember, if you comment on any Apple Review post, and get chosen, you will earn 10,000 seeds! So get commenting if you haven't already! Anyways, I hope you are enjoying the game so far.

~The Food Friends Team

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Beta Party Notice

Hi there! Today we just wanted to tell you something important.
As you know, the Beta Party is currently going on. First of all, if you want to own the Beta Hat, go to the "Buy" page. The main notice on this post is that the Beta Party will end soon. It will probably be the shortest party. This is because the main reason for the Beta Party is to BETA TEST. Isn't that what the word Beta means? I thought so. Beta Testing is where you find all the glitches (problems) with the game. We here at the Amazing Applez team got a little crazy when we had the Beta Party! So if you see any bugs, please comment or email us at, thank you. 

~The Amazing Applez Team

The Apple Review 1-19-13

Hey there Applez! Welcome to the first ever Apple Review! Here we have little talks. At the end of each little talk there will be a question. If your comment gets picked, you will win 10,000 Seeds!! That's a lot of Seeds! And yes, I know, we have the same currency as Club Carrot. Usually there will be a picture, but not today. This week's question is, "What party would you like to have in Amazing Applez?".


Beta Hat Notes

Hi there, when we open the game, there will be a bucket of Beta Hats in Downtown. To have the item on your avatar, just comment on the "Buy" page. Thank you!

Ready for Beta Testing?

Hey Applez! This game is going to open WAY earlier than expected. I finished the game today. So far, there are no Applez!! Make sure to tell your friends! We need more Applez!


Friday, January 18, 2013

Midnight Club Sneak Peek

Hi there Applez! As you can see, on the right side of this writing, there is a picture! That is a sneak peek of a room I like to call The Midnight Club. As you can see, there is fancy carpeting, a picture of an apple with an afro (LOL) and a dance floor. And then there is me, Applecrazy!! This is taking way shorter than expected! Just to remind all you Applez, this game will start out VERY simple, but become more complex throughout this amazing journey.

Keep Eating!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thank You

Hi everybody! I would like to give a big thanks to Crunch and Beenana for letting me do this. They started this thing called "Food Friends" which is a chain of games about fruit. Crunch made a game called Club Carrot, and the original idea person was Beenana who created Banana Chat. I am SO thankful they let me be part of Food Friends. This is an amazing opportunity for me. Now there will be Banana Chat, Club Carrot, AND Amazing Applez! Thank you SO much! :)


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

About Amazing Applez

Amazing Applez is a game that I, Applecrazy, am creating. It won't be done for a few months probably, but here you can find the latest news. In the game you will be an apple, and move around to different rooms. Every once and a while there will be a party! This game will start out simple, but move forward. Prepare for epicness. 

The Berry Sneak Peek!

Hey Applez! Today I have a little sneak peek of a room called "The Berry". Here it is:
There will be more sneak peeks later!



Find out more soon  .    .   .